STEAM Education

We first launched our school-based STEAM syllabus in S2 in September 2018. We have extended our STEAM education to S1 and S3 Computer lessons in the later years to ensure all our students can acquire elementary STEAM and programming techniques. All STEAM and computer lessons are conducted in our two well-equipped Inno Zones.

There is a transition from blocky programming in S1-2 to Python programming in S3. To unleash students' imagination for innovative model design, we have ample supplies of accessories for students to use freely, such as motors, servos, sensors, wooden blocks, and plastic plates. The Inno Zones have laser cutters, laser engravers, 3D printers, electric drills, and many other tools to help students build their models. Microprocessors and controllers serve as the brains of intelligent models. Students may choose between Microbit and Robotbit, Arduino board, and Raspberry Pi.

The school-based STEAM syllabus is reviewed and adjusted every year. Popular topics such as artificial intelligence and its ethics and applications have been added recently.

We will also invite interested students to participate in various STEAM competitions organised by external bodies, through which students can apply, integrate, and learn more knowledge and skills across different STEAM disciplines.

3D printing workshop
Drone programming workshop
Flight Simulation workshop
Microbit Hovercraft Fun Day
Stem showcase - Jaywalker Monitoring System
Cloud Computing Summer Workplace Experience
First Lego League Challenge
Flight Simulation workshop
Stem project preparation
Stem showcase - Blaster 3000 Laser Gun
Cloud Computing Summer Workplace Experience
First Lego League Challenge
Microbit Hovercraft Fun Day
Stem showcase - Auto-targeting cannon
UXUI Course