Athletics Team

Athletics team of OLR is a big family. To build up our teammates’ sportsmanship, we train for different track and field events every Thursday and Saturday. We get to know more about each other and our weaknesses. Our coach focuses on training our basic skills that help us do better in each track and field event. We understand that we cannot achieve a world record in a moment. Therefore, athletes are diligent in their training. 

In order to build up a harmonious atmosphere, we encourage one another as our habit. Everyone of us keeps concentrated during our training. We observe, and improve ourselves by correcting others. Our coach always reminds us that we should learn from our mistakes. This may enhance the technique for both of us. 

On the part of competitions, our team participates in Inter-school Athletics Competition and other different competitions every year. These events provide our athletes with the opportunity to showcase their skills. All athletes strike for their best in competitions. We are proud to get good results in the competitions. Although some of the athletes didn’t get any prizes in the competition, we all enjoyed the day we spent at the sports ground. 

Our team is inclusive and welcoming. No matter how fast you run or how high you jump, you are welcome to join us!